Issue | Stance | Action |
Abolish Involuntary Poverty In Cambridge Over The Next Five Years | Take A Stance | |
Cambridge Is Experiencing Serious Traffic Gridlock Morning And Evenings | Support Very Strongly | |
Campaign Finance Reform | Take A Stance | |
Community Walk And Bike Path Along The Grand Junction Railroad | Support Very Strongly | |
Investment In Our Public Schools | Support Very Strongly | |
Low And Medium Income Housing -- Increase In Density Or .... | Support Very Strongly | |
Low And Moderate Income Housing -- Inclusionary Zoning Results In 25% Affordable Housing. | Support | |
Net Zero Buildings | Support Very Strongly | |
One Year Moratorium On Construction To Study Impact Of Development On Livability. | Opposed | |
Plan E Charter | Opposed Strongly | |
Privacy -- Police Public Safety Security Cameras | Opposed Very Strongly | |
Public Toilets On Cambridge Common | Take A Stance | |
Reject Dramatic Up-Zoning Changes In Central Square. | Support With Reservation | |
Terms Limits | Support Very Strongly | |
The Foundry | Support Very Strongly |
Cambridge, MA 02139
Contact: Email:
Tel: 617-852-4638
After undergraduate and graduate work at MIT, Nadeem founded two small businesses in Central Square. NimbleBot specializes in educational media and interactive software; danger!awesome is a storefront for skill-sharing, rapid prototyping, and professional development classes. A passionate educator, Nadeem is faculty at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, where he teaches local artists how to succeed as entrepreneurs. As your City Councillor, Nadeem will use his collaborative and creative problem-solving skills to make municipal politics more accessible and bring Cantabrigians together.
Candidate Stances
Abolish Involuntary Poverty In Cambridge Over The Next Five Years
Take A Stance
Cambridge Is Experiencing Serious Traffic Gridlock Morning And Evenings
Support Very Strongly
This is straight-forward: residents are tired of the city passing the buck on this issue to the department of transportation (and on related issues to the MBTA) - and a comprehensive study is just the first step. That being said, proposing a study for a problem that the city possesses the capacity to deal with now does not go far enough. We can and should leverage traffic officers, improved traffic signaling patterns, and other proven tactics to solve facets of this problem starting tomorrow.
Campaign Finance Reform
Take A Stance
Community Walk And Bike Path Along The Grand Junction Railroad
Support Very Strongly
It's a good idea! But let's remember that MIT gets a lot of value from Cambridge. The money MIT have committed to this project can't distract us from the unfortunate reality that, as a stakeholder and community member, MIT has not yet begun to offset their impact on surrounding communities nor have they meainingfully addressed the value they have been receiving from variances and special permits. Let's keep our eye on the prize, getting even more than $500,000 from MIT for this project and even more commitments that benefit our communities and our local housing stock *now*.
Investment In Our Public Schools
Support Very Strongly
Not only has school spending not kept pace with city spending, our out of school and summer programs have been hit *the hardest*. That's a human services issue and a *city council issue*. We have a mayor's program for summer youth employment that doesn't address real mentorship or apprenticeship opportunities in Cambridge. We have Community School Programs that are understaffed and under-supported. And these programs they provide some of the most effective and most accessible learning opportunities for our youth. And lastly, Cambridge is home to private educational opportunities like Nuvu Studio, danger!awesome, and Possible Project that aim to give Cambridge youth opportunities to engage in art, humanities, design, and entrepreneurship. Now, we must bring elements from these successful educational models and volunteers from our Cambridge community to *all* of our public school students in hands-on after school programs. This deserves funding and direct support!
Low And Medium Income Housing -- Increase In Density Or ....
Support Very Strongly
The city is currently focused on parcel-by-parcel development, which leads them to emphasize luxury housing and biotech. The city ought to be sponsoring low and middle income housing solutions, transit oriented development, and non-profit development in tandem with state and federal authorities. The city can also increase support for low and middle income housing through a City Wide Masterplan that emphasizes our priorities as neighborhoods and residents. Currently, the city council amplifies the voices of developers, because they have the deepest pockets, the strongest organizational awareness, and the best access to our elected representatives. A masterplan would bring *our* priorities out as an essential part of the development approval process.
Low And Moderate Income Housing -- Inclusionary Zoning Results In 25% Affordable Housing.
Other questions posed by the this questionnaire highlight the potential for new developments to support affordable housing through increased linkage fees or through the use of city land for a combination of open space and 100% affordable, moderate, and middle income housing. These are excellent solutions that allow us to optimize the costs that non-profit and for-profit developers can bear while simultaneously maximizing housing justice. Whether 25% is the right number for inclusionary zoning has yet to be seen, but I am in favor of more affordable housing, in principle, if it is workable for all stakeholders involved.
Net Zero Buildings
Support Very Strongly
Not only do I support Net Zero, I put together this explanatory video ( showing how Net Zero isn't just "a great idea, but ahead of its time" as so many incumbents seem to claim, but is in fact tenable *NOW*. The proposal shows how buildings can save money and source green energy over the grid *today* and how developers can use onsite renewable energy as a cost saving approach, but *only if they want to*. Opponents of Net Zero would have you believe that Net Zero entails a mandatory cost to developers, but it doesn't. Watch the video -Net Zero makes sense!
One Year Moratorium On Construction To Study Impact Of Development On Livability.
I think it is critical that we explore proper city-wide planning - most urban planners and activists are stunned when they learn that city planning emphasizes ‘per PUD’ rather than city-wide impacts on dimensions like traffic, total affordable housing stock, mass transit, or basic quality of living. However, it is also important that we find a way to right this ship without implying to other stakeholders and housing activists that we are “anti housing” or “anti development.” There is a happy middleground here.
Plan E Charter
Opposed Strongly
I am fairly strongly opposed to Plan E. The citizens must have direct access to their city officials and administrators, including the city manager. But now, our city manager is free to do largely as he pleases with very little direct accountability to the people. Accountability and true representative democracy are so important. Why would we let a city council with 9 different agendae squabble over whether we deserve transparency and attention? Over the next several years, it's time that we follow almost every other city nationwide and move away from Plan E.
Privacy -- Police Public Safety Security Cameras
Opposed Very Strongly
Ben Franklin said, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” And, as we have seen with warrantless wiretapping, recent NSA revelations, and other civil liberties breaches, rules about how surveillance equipment *ought* to be used are quickly discarded by authorities. Let's remember that surveillance cameras don't reduce crime, yet have so much potential to open the door for other civil liberties abuses here in cambridge. Just as we have seen elsewhere; two examples:
Public Toilets On Cambridge Common
Take A Stance
Reject Dramatic Up-Zoning Changes In Central Square.
Support With Reservation
This is a “Yes, sort of.” I believe that one of the most exciting ways to increase affordable, moderate, and middle income solutions in Cambridge is through the strategic use of upzoning (especially in Central Square) in keeping with the solutions outlined elsewhere in this survey (including affordable housing “linkage fees” for variances, partnerships with non-profit developers, and an increase in affordable/moderate/middle income housing). To achieve these housing justice benefits, taller buildings spread strategically throughout the landscape may represent one solution. However, 28-story buildings seem out of the question.
Terms Limits
Support Very Strongly
I am in strong support of term limits and even go so far as to self-limit my term to 4 or 6 years. I am in favor of mandating term limits for *all* public servants, in order to cycle in fresh leadership. Institutional knowledge and long-term advising comes from neighborhoods and advisors not from city councilors who monopolize power for 20+ years at a time. I support candidates who demonstrate "Cambridge-first" rather than "me-first" leadership.
The Foundry
Support Very Strongly
I am in support of the foundry building being used for arts, culture, and community - *not* sold to developers. In fact, I'm one of the only contenders in this year's election taking strong steps to organize in the community, host brainstorming events, and give the foundry building issue exposure within our arts & culture community. Check out some of our footage and advocacy here: