Candidate Info Not participating

12 Hilliard St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: 617-299-6278

My name is Janneke House and I'm running for Cambridge City Council. Henry David Thoreau said, "To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts." My parents taught me from a very early age about the importance of public service and getting involved in the community. My father was a police officer and my mother was a schoolteacher. My grandfather worked for the department of the interior as a speechwriter under President Truman and Eisenhower on the topic of our national parks and my grandmother worked for the League of women voters and the national Democratic Party. They would call her when a new president would move into the White House and she would unwrap the gifts and write thank you notes to people from all over the world. I remember from a young age being dragged by my mother going door to door working on campaigns and stuffing envelopes. I guess you can say it's in my blood. After college, I went to work for the mayor of Salt Lake City, Rocky Anderson. He was a very progressive mayor in one of the reddest states in the country. I remember one of the first projects that landed on my desk was started by an article written about how Salt Lake City was one of the worst cities in the country for pedestrian fatalities. We had to fix this. So we started a program putting flags at all of the crosswalks for pedestrians to carry with them across the street. At first, people wouldn't do it, they were too cool to carry flag, but it caught on and soon the city became one of the safest pedestrian areas in the country. When I moved to Cambridge, I was the Executive Director of Cambridge Local First and now I'm the community liaison for the Kendall Sq Association. As someone who lives and works in Cambridge, I know that that residents value local businesses, good public transit, affordable housing, green energy, good jobs, a strong local economy, and more responsive city services. This is the Cambridge way. Filling a pothole on a neighborhood street....that is the highest of arts. Making sure swing sets are fixed in a park....that is the highest of arts. I am running, because I believe that by getting involved and working together we can imagine and actively participate in making certain that our city, and our neighborhoods can be based on the values of respect, transparency and hard-working good government. I am running because it is we who must decide how to build a city of lasting value, to make sure that new developments improve our quality of life, not risk what we love about Cambridge. The greatest communities grow and evolve out of the intelligence of many different people working together over time. That is the highest of arts. With the transition of a new city manager, two councilwomen who are leaving, and the evolution of our neighborhoods, now is the time to elect some new voices to the council. I left my family and friends, moved across the country, left my comfort zone, but landed in the most perfect place. "To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts." I am running for Cambridge City Council to affect the quality of the Cambridge day. Thank you and I look forward to this campaign and ask for your support.

Candidate Stances

Abolish Involuntary Poverty In Cambridge Over The Next Five Years

Take A Stance

Cambridge Is Experiencing Serious Traffic Gridlock Morning And Evenings


A more cohesive, city­wide and independent study is preferred to the piecemeal traffic studies by developers for their own projects. This is the thing that CDD should be doing and an example of appropriate use of “community benefit” fund.

Campaign Finance Reform

Take A Stance

Community Walk And Bike Path Along The Grand Junction Railroad

Take A Stance

Investment In Our Public Schools

Take A Stance

Low And Medium Income Housing -- Increase In Density Or ....

Support Strongly

15% of Cambridge residents have low/moderate income. 15% of the housing units in Cambridge are affordable for low and moderate income. Yet, as in all of the housing sectors, there is still a great demand for low/moderate affordable units. Cambridge does a superior job compared to any other municipality in providing these affordable units. I will support any policy which maintains this segment of our diversity. We have to bring our success for low and moderate income households to bear on middle income families. I support the development of “neighborhood incubator spaces”, small scale start up office space which is  specifically designed to help young neighborhood residents get introduced to the latest and greatest jobs which permeate the hi­rise innovation district.

Low And Moderate Income Housing -- Inclusionary Zoning Results In 25% Affordable Housing.

Opposed Strongly

Keep low and moderate at 15% and make medium income 10%

Net Zero Buildings

Support Strongly

One Year Moratorium On Construction To Study Impact Of Development On Livability.


I am not convinced that a moratorium will result in a better analysis of the impact on the items you have listed.

Plan E Charter

Take A Stance

Privacy -- Police Public Safety Security Cameras

Take A Stance

Public Toilets On Cambridge Common

Take A Stance

Reject Dramatic Up-Zoning Changes In Central Square.


While I think that the argument that underlying allowed densities are high enough may have some validity, I would actually prefer a greater mixture of heights than a uniform 8 stories. 8 stories isn't human scale either and I think a mix of 1, 2, 3, and say 16 would be better. I would not support zoning that accommodates a 28 story building in Central Square.

Terms Limits

Take A Stance

The Foundry
